Relic  Artwork

Below you will find a variety of artwork and text created by Stephen J. Ethier that gives background information on his novel Relic

Pick on any image to enlarge into a lightbox of all images on the page. All images are copyright by the artist. Please do not copy or use without the artists consent.


Unearthing an ancient alien relic is only the beginning of an incredible voyage of discovery for Cal, Captain of the Far Sea.

Cal Spicer

The Far Sea had been a science vessel used for exploration. I got my hands on it at auction at the spaceport on Dubion. It was worse for wear with definite hull deterioration. 
Cal Spicer, Captain of the Far Sea.

Miranda Lankier

The find on the desolate planet, Aroestook, didn’t turn out the way I expected. I had heard from a cargo runner that I would find the Shrine of Maudiam which was reputed to be a place to worship the mythic Kythincatas, ancient seeders of technology throughout known space.
Miranda Lankier Xeno-archeologist


It was always a rush when I activated the TacTouch, Far Sea's VR tactical weapons center. It hung suspended from the ship’s ceiling and was hardwired into every critical piece of equipment throughout Far Sea.
Tyra, member of the Far Sea’s crew.


I am still filled with awe with the sensory feedback at the arrival destination of a Jump. Being at one location in known space and then, in a relatively short period of time, in a different place has always been exhilarating.
Able, AI of the jump-ship Far Sea


When factory workers did not meet their quotas, something had to be done. The response had to be swift and deadly. In this case, it was the total annihilation of the factory city of Hungoosh with Syrinic laden payloads. 
Almd-Rild, First Ascetic of Almd-Tg-Cee


The Far Sea and its crew on a search mission.